Posts tagged 2/4/2018
Aviator Club
Simply Gharib Outfit
Simply Gharib Outfit
Simply Gharib Outfit
Wearing: Zara coat | Topshop boots

Wearing: Zara coat | Topshop boots


Ever feel like you're doing something you never thought you would. Maybe I'm not the only one who isn't following life the way I planned? I, for one, never (ever) thought I'd actually start a website, much less be sharing these thoughts (or any thoughts publicly for that matter). I spent the last 20 years in school studying and working towards a plan - my plan - but as I've learned over the years: Life doesn't always go the way we plan. That's a difficult pill to swallow, in case you haven't noticed - I'm a planner. 

I may not be able to control what happens to me, but I can control my perspective of it. It takes a conscious effort to control how we process what life throws at us. So in the moments when we feel like life isn't going according to plan or it's too hard or too sad: readjust, be flexible and see the beauty in the little things. We can't control the outcome of our plans, but we can control how we respond to it.

 "you can decide not to be reduced by them" - Maya Angelou

Many of us have our lives mapped out and when something unexpected happens (the loss of a loved one, a bad break-up, struggling with finding a job, not graduating on time, not being married yet or just having a single bad day), it shakes us to be unsure of ourselves, unsure of what to do, and it's uncomfortable. Be brave, be honest and be open, because the sweetness of success only comes after tasting the bitterness of trials. For me, I'm processing it all through writing (may not be the best writing, but it's mine), traveling and rediscovering things I love and enjoy doing. It's not to say "to hell with planning I'm living carefree" (pretty sure that's impossible for me) because my dreams and goals are the same. It's learning how to readjust the plans to achieve those goals, looking at the big picture & moving forward, and more importantly knowing we have control over our own happiness. 

Model: Arthas, the adorable dog

Can't fight the trend - welcome to the Aviator Club. My sister's first comment on my jacket was "you look like a pilot" (obviously, it's an aviator jacket) but I love it. First saw it at Acne Studios, which of course made it's way down to Zara where I bought this one. Can't ever go wrong with black on black (at least that's what I believe). Threw on the jacket with some studded boots and went out for a walk, in the brisk cold...where my thoughts began to wander.